
At Holistic ABA, we believe that an effective ABA program is one that not only teaches skills and reduces barriers to learning but also enriches the individual's life experience. By integrating a holistic approach, we ensure that our services contribute to the full spectrum of our clients' development, preparing them for a life of independence, engagement, and fulfillment.

We provide a spectrum of services, each tailored to support and nurture the development of individuals with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental conditions. Our services encompass;

Individualized Treatment Plans: Crafting personalized, goal-oriented ABA therapy plans that target specific behavioral objectives. Our treatment plans are designed to focus on the following;

  • Improved Communication Skills: Clients will demonstrate enhanced ability to express needs, desires, and emotions appropriately and effectively.
  • Behavioral Self-Management: Clients will gain skills in self-managing behaviors, leading to increased positive social interactions and reduced incidences of challenging behaviors.
  • Physical Well-being: Encouraging physical activity and healthy living as components of overall therapy goals, recognizing the strong connection between physical health and behavioral health.
  • Mindfulness and Stress Reduction: Incorporating mindfulness exercises and stress reduction techniques to improve emotional regulation and coping skills.
  • Social-Emotional Learning: Facilitating the development of empathy, perspective-taking, and relationship-building skills through structured social-emotional learning activities.

One-on-One Therapy: Offering intensive, individualized sessions that focus on developing communication, social skills, self-care, and other adaptive skills.

Parent and Caregiver Training: Equipping family members with the skills and strategies necessary to support their loved one's development and generalize skills across environments. We aim to establish a robust support system for families that includes resources, ongoing training, and a network of support.

Community Integration: Fostering engagement with the community through structured outings and participation in local events, enhancing life experiences and social opportunities.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Working closely with other professionals such as occupational therapists, speech therapists, and educators to ensure a cohesive and comprehensive approach to care.

Collaborative Academic Engagement: For school-aged clients, we support increased participation and success in academic settings, working closely with teachers and other school staff.

Our holistic approach is seamlessly integrated into the traditional ABA framework, ensuring that clients receive not only top-tier behavioral interventions, but also care that addresses their overall quality of life.

Who is Holistic ABA for?

Holistic ABA is committed to serving a diverse clientele within the spectrum of developmental disorders, primarily focusing on individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Our services are meticulously designed to meet the needs of clients ranging from early childhood through adolescence and into adulthood.

Our target population includes but is not limited to:

  • Children with Early Diagnosis: Preschool-aged children who have been diagnosed with ASD or who exhibit early signs of developmental delays. Early intervention is critical for this subgroup to maximize their developmental growth and long-term outcomes.
  • School-Age Clients: Children and adolescents who are facing challenges in academic, social, or behavioral domains within educational settings. These individuals may require support to navigate the complexities of school life and benefit from tailored strategies to enhance their learning and integration.
  • Transitioning Adolescents and Adults: Older adolescents and adults who may be transitioning to higher education, employment, or independent living. Services for this group focus on the cultivation of life skills, vocational skills, and adaptive strategies to navigate adult life successfully.
  • Families Seeking Support: We extend our services to the families and caregivers of individuals with developmental disabilities, recognizing their crucial role in the therapeutic process. Our family-centered approach aims to empower caregivers with knowledge and practical skills to support their loved ones effectively.

Interested in Our Services?

If you’re interested in learning more about our services or want to discuss your needs, please contact us: